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FRC Langley is affiliated with the Free Reformed Churches of North America (FRC)

Plants & Pillars

An online app specifically for the youth where they can ask questions, read articles, or meditate on devotional material


We sing only the metrical version of the 150 Psalms which can be found in the Psalter book.

Banner of Truth

Weekly sermons to encourage you in your knowledge and understanding of the Word of God, and, in turn, bring hope, encouragement, wisdom and direction to your daily life.


Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

An educational institution whose mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church.

Prison Ministry

Redemption Prison ministry serves Canadian inmates by providing Bible studies, visitation, reintegration programs. 

Canadian Lord's Day Association

Founded for the purpose of preserving the sanctity of the Lord’s Day. This organization provides Bible training and literature. 


Refugee Sponsorhip

Through our churches we are a Sponsorship Agreement Holder with Immigration Canada to help sponsor Christian refugees. 

Goads & Well Driven Nails

Our emeritus Pastor, Tom Aicken, has built up a library of radio messages throughout the years of his ministry.

Every Thought Captive

After 48 years in the ministry, Tom Aicken, pastor emeritus, continues to devote his time to write articles to address pertinent issues of our day from a Biblical perspective. 


Advokate Life & Education Services

Brings hope in action to women and families through pregnancy counselling and resources, baby supplies, postpartum support, post abortion care, community education and so much more.

Ratanak International

Each year in Cambodia, thousands of young women and men are trafficked and exploited. Ratanak International works with Cambodians to restore those robbed of freedom and protect the vulnerable.

Gateway of Hope

The Gateway of Hope is a ministry of The Salvation Army in Canada that serves the City and Township of Langley


Word & Deed

A Reformed Christian ministry that focuses on meeting the spiritual and physical needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles for the glory of God.

Come Over & Help

The Gospel is at the core of Come Over & Help's work. There are four areas they focus on to help further the good news in Eastern Europe: Pastor education, evangelism, church partnership, and literature.

Bonisa Mission

Not only is China’s power rising, but also its church is growing rapidly. Bonisa Mission is privileged to support the spread of the gospel and provide aid to those in need in China.

AMG International

A global ministry with a focus on connecting people with the gospel while meeting their deepest spiritual and physical needs.


Reformed Book Services

a not-for-profit Christian bookstore that sells Bibles and books written from a distinctively Puritan and Reformed perspective for all ages at discounted prices.

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